Hello! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I am quite a unique mix of neuroscientist, mentor, counsellor and businesswoman and I am driven to help people become more self-aware and deliberate in their thinking and behaviour so they can orchestrate their own success. Every thought, belief, action, emotion, motivation and behaviour is orchestrated by our brain. It is what drives us forward and holds us back, so it makes sense that we understand how it works so we can proactively create our own success.
Being successful in this landscape requires a new skillset of agility, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and COURAGE. I believe if we know what drives our thinking and behaviour, we will be better equipped to understand ourselves and others to drive our performance.
I created CleverMinds Consulting to help individuals and organisations navigate this landscape.
To provide support and robust strategies based in psychology and neuroscience that WORK!
To give you an unfair advantage in the market by accessing the untapped potential, skill and ability that is unique to you.
I share knowledge through speaking engagements, mentoring and my tailored Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Click here if you would like to get in touch and find out more.
Trusted Partners
Frank Donohoe
Director at Donohoe Consulting

Wendy Pavey
CEO and Founder at Executive Brand

Ben Watts
CEO at Wattsnext
With over twenty years’ experience managing large teams & multiple sites across ASX listed corporates in a variety of industries. His commercial, strategic insight is unrivaled. Ben is a proven forward thinking leader specialising in functional business structures and people performance techniques. Ben is passionate about applying corporate thinking and practices to SME’s, driving people performance and ultimately creating great high performing workplaces.
Through her company Executive Brand, Wendy provides specialised advice to senior executives who are:
• seeking a C-suite role
• transitioning from their pinnacle role
• pursuing a portfolio career of Board, consulting, interim and advisory roles
• creating their leadership legacy
Wendy ensures senior executives are confident about telling their career story and skilled in turning conversations into opportunities
Dr Diane Harner - Managing Director

In business, we are in an era of being thought workers.
Never before have we had access to so much information
Never before has agility and immediacy been so critical to growth
Never before has there been such a focus on connecting and understanding others to achieve outcomes
Never before has managing our cognitive resources been so critical to success